Chinese Zibaobao helps your kids to learn to read and write Chinese characters and words in a fun and intuitive way any time, anywhere.
Based on the Singapore Ministry of Education latest Primary 1 to 6 Chinese syllabuses, Chinese Zibaobao is for aged 6 to 13 years old to learn primary Chinese Characters and aims to help students achieve good grades in their PSLE examinations.
Get better in your Chinese!
Achieve your best potential in the PSLE!
Feature Highlights:
•Based on the latest syllabus from Singapore MOE.
•Full coverage of 12 Normal Chinese books and 12 High Chinese books from Primary level 1 to 6.
•Real human voice.
•English translation.
•Flash card with auto play and stroke order animation.
•Learn how to write Chinese Character stroke by stroke (逐笔学写汉字)
•Voice record and play (跟读) feature.
•Interactive and fun games.
•Easy to use personal notebook.
•A clear textbook view of Chinese characters and words listed in read-only, read-write order, with search functionality.
•Preparation for PSLE made easy and efficient!
•Suitable for children age 6 to 13 years old
•Lesson 1 of all books are free.
•Stroke animation is free for first lesson of Primary 1-3.
•Radical(部首) highlight
全部字词真人配音, 帮助认识和写汉字。PSLE(小六会考)拿高分的基础。
华文字宝宝尤其照顾到了英语家庭背景小学生的学习需要,为所有的字,词语注上了英文翻译 。因此,这本集子适合不同语言背景的学生学习 。直观的闪卡可以动态显示汉字笔顺,逐笔练习学写汉字,录音跟读功能,